Varnish is a web application accelerator platform, which caches information for the sake of faster response times. It is sometimes called an HTTP reverse proxy too and it interacts between a web server and its users. When a site visitor loads a particular webpage, the content is requested by the web browser, and then the web server processes this request and delivers the requested information. If Varnish is activated for a certain website, it will cache its pages at the very first visit and in case the user opens a cached page again, the information will be delivered by the caching platform instead of the web server. The improved speed is an end result of the much faster response speed that the Varnish platform offers compared to any web server software. At the same time, this does not mean that the website visitors will continue being served the same content over and over again, as any change on any of the web pages is reflected in the content that the Varnish platform keeps in its memory.

Varnish in Shared Website Hosting

Varnish comes as an optional upgrade with each of our Linux shared website hosting packages. You can add it to your website hosting account through the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all shared web hosting plans and you’ll get a quite simple-to-work-with graphical interface, which will grant you full control over the content caching platform. Using 1-click quick-access controls, you can restart or turn off any of the instances, in other words – Varnish will no longer be activated for a specific site. You can also view an exhaustive system log file or delete the cache associated with any of the Internet sites. When you add Varnish to your shared web hosting package, you’ll be able to choose the total amount of system memory that will be at your disposal for caching purposes and how many sites will use Varnish. You can always add more memory in increments of 32 MB and, for maximum performance, you can set a dedicated IP address for the sites that will use Varnish. This will allow you to take full advantage of your sites and to have a lot of pleased website visitors.